Friday, December 21, 2007

Sam Jones Wii Fund

You may have heard about sam jones on the radio, newspaper or on the news. If you haven't, he is a 13 year old boy, who instead of getting Christmas Presents, he is getting money donations for charity. (If you go to and type in sam jones it will come up with a video link) I am one of his best friends, and he has earnt over £700. I thought, that for his amazing charitable heart that I should be charitable as well. I have donated money to him. If you would to donate to him post it to:cheque payable to Cleeve School with a separate note labelling it for the Sam Jones Appeal, to Two Hedges Road, Bishop's Cleeve, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.But I thought, perhaps in the New Year that he might be able to get some presents. Thats when I thought about the sam jones wii fund. People can donate, and we can then, buy sam a wii, and he can have a very merry christmas, (well late one). If you would like to donate to the Sam Jones Wii Appeal either:
Send cheques to Harris Parker and I will give them to Sam, (if you want this option email me at
(requires a paypal account)
to donate £5 -

to donate £10 -

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